Construction Work on Homes Suspended due to Covid-19

A ministerial order has decreed the suspension of work on buildings that would involve contact between workers and any other people, though with a few exceptions.
The Ministry of Health has ordered the suspension of work on existing buildings. It applies to all construction work where workers would possibly interact with users of the building. Only projects that have been totally isolated from outside interference – for example, works where the area has been completely sectorised and separated from the rest of the building.
The order came into force on 12 April 2020 and is expected to last for the entire state of alarm, as well as any of its extensions.
There are some exceptions to the order, including urgent repairs. Specific work can be carried out that is deemed to be urgent, such essential installations, attending to system faults, and surveillance tasks.
If there are a series of faults in building installations – for example, water, gas, electricity – you can call a service company or your insurance company to ask for a repair. Some insurance companies are validating claims remotely by video call, to avoid non-essential trips and speed up procedures.
Though initially all building work was allowed during the state of alarm, it was already recommended to postpone work that was not necessary. The only work deemed necessary is construction intended to resolve an urgent problem or to implement preventative measures to avoid serious deterioration of the property – for example, closing off walls, ceilings or floors to prevent water leaks.