Procedure for the entry of unregistered foreign partners of EU citizens into Spain

Foreign nationals who wish to enter Spain to visit or reside with their partner may visit the corresponding Consular Office and submit documentary evidence accrediting the stable and lasting nature of their relationship, analogous to that of a de facto partnership.

If their assessment is positive and approval is obtained from the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Consular Office will issue a substantiating certificate so that the foreigner may present it to the airline. The final decision about compliance with the requirements will be carried out by the migration authorities at the entry checkpoint.

What documents may be presented? (non-exhaustive list)

– Proof that the foreigner is travelling with the EU citizen or to be reunited with them:

  • plane tickets on the same flight;
  • notarized statement by the EU citizen, etc.

– Proof of the stable and lasting relationship (non-exhaustive, non-exclusive list of documents):

  • documents from local authorities reflecting the existence of the lasting relationship (these documents must be notarised or legalized).
  • documents from Spanish authorities or bodies: proof of an appointment to enter into a contract of marriage in Spain, registration on the census, etc.
  • joint rental contracts, joint bank account statements, joint invoices, joint ownership of assets, invitations to family events such as weddings, etc.

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