Six tips to reduce your household bills this autumn

- Posted by Joanna
- Posted in BlogSpanish Property Law
With economic uncertainty all around, now more than ever is the time to make small household changes to lower our monthly bills.
As of September 2019, the average monthly electricity bill is 56 euros per household, as shown in the simulator of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC). Yet, we already anticipate that this year the average amount will far exceed that. With working from home and possibly homeschooling, here are some important ways to lower bills.
Turn off electronic devices not in use
Telecommuting and home schooling will increase electricity consumption during peak hours from electronic device use and lighting. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) calculated a 28% increase in electricity consumption in homes in April 2020 alone, in full This amounted to a 10 euro increase in electricity bills. Before starting work for the day, make sure non-essential appliances and lights are switched off.
Don’t abuse the air conditioning
Compared to working in an office, it may be nice to have full control of the air conditioning. Yet, you have to be careful because comfort can cost. Using the air conditioning at home can cost you about 1.2 euros per working day. Being at home for the hottest hours of the day means we will be using the AC a lot more than usual, which can add up to 36 euros per month.
Don’t let standby mode fool you
We have the bad habit of thinking that remote-controlled electronic devices do not consume electricity when simply switched off with the remote. This is not true: they stay in standby mode and generate what is known as ghost consumption. This phantom consumption can represent as much as 20% of your monthly electricity bill, according to the University of Berkeley (California). Turn devices off at the wall to save on your electric bills.
Be aware of computer habits that may be consuming a lot
According to data from IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving) computers account for 7.4% of energy consumption in homes under normal conditions. This figure is likely to grow considerably with more family members working from home. Here are a few ways to reduce your computer’s power consumption:
- Turn down your screen’s brightness
- Don’t use screensavers
- Avoid standby mode
- Turn off printers, scanners, speakers etc. when not in use
Remember that a second home consumes energy
According to the V Casaktua Study, 25% of Spaniards have a second home. Of these, 51% use this property for their own enjoyment during their vacations, which means three or four months a year at most. If you have not chosen an electricity rate that is adapted to irregular consumption, the minimums charged for this property will be an unnecessary expense. Remember further that it is not always better to contract electricity and gas together.
Don’t waste water
Spending more time in your home will also increase water consumption. To avoid this over-consumption and save on household bills, it is advisable to:
- load the washing machine and dishwasher to the maximum
- install water savers on the taps
- reduce the time or number of showers per day.
We hope that all these tips will help you reduce your household bills.